This feature is available to users with premium accounts.
Our sharing feature is great if you need to show your plans to a student, parent, substitute or administrator. However if you have a colleague who you create plans with, then you'll want to choose the "Collaborate" option. This button is available in the same area as the "Share Planbook" button.

Once you click "Collaborate", you will be brought to a list of your planbooks. From there, you can see anyone whom you are collaborating with, and add additional collaborators.
Clicking on "Add/Edit Collaborators" will allow you add, change or remove collaborators.

You add collaborators by entering in their email addresses. They must already have a PlanbookEdu account. You can click the "Add Another Collaborator" button if there are more than one person you'd like to add. There is no limit to the number of collaborators you can have on a planbook.
Once you save, you'll be brought back to a list of your planbooks. Here you will be able to quickly see who is collaborating on which planbooks.
The people you add will NOT receive a notification. It is up to you to contact them. They will be able to see your planbook in their list of planbooks. The email address of the planbook owner will appear in parentheses. They won't be able to change any of the settings or delete the planbook.
Any changes made to the planbook will update in real time. To help prevent you from editing the same plan as your collaborator, the block will become locked out while s/he is editing it.
When your collaborator is finished, the block will become unlocked and any changes will appear.