Lesson Plans/Accounts Are Not Removed or Deleted

PlanbookEdu does not delete plans or remove accounts unless specifically asked to do so.

If you signed up for our free trial and then chose not to subscribe, your plans will still be available to you via our free version.

If you have your own account, and your school/district decides to sign up, you have two options.  You can choose to have your account merged with your new school account (please send a request to support@planbookedu.com), or you can change the email address associated with your account by clicking "Account" in the blue navigation bar and then "Update".

If you are no longer a part of your school/district's group account, you still have access to your plans.  You can continue to log in using your old email address at www.planbookedu.com.  Once you are logged in, click on "Account" in your blue navigation bar and then "Update" to change your email address.  You will then use that new email address to log in.

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