Embed Your Planbook in Your Site

Embedding is is a great way to make it easy for your students or parents to see what's happening in the classroom. 


To get started you first need to share your planbook.  You can see our tutorial on setting up a shared planbook here.  The one setting to pay special attention to is "Access".  You must set that to "Open" for your planbook to be embeddable.

Once you have saved the shared planbook you will see an additional option "Embed" under the "Actions" column.

Clicking on that will allow you to customize exactly how you want your planbook to appear in your site.  You can choose one of our default sizes or customize it to fit your site.  You can also select the default view, choosing between the current week or the monthly calendar.


Once you setup your embedded planbook click the "Generate" button get the code and see a preview.  If you don't like the way it looks you can change the settings and re-generate.  Once you have it setup the way you like simply copy and paste the code into the HTML of your site to have your planbook appear.


Here's a sample embedded planbook:

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